Tuesday 13 December 2011

Alopecia In Women Can Be Devastating

Women are known for taking pride in their hair. Having a full head of healthyand attractive hair is very important to most women, whose hair is part of their identity. A lot of women would struggle to find themselves attractive should they find themselves without hair. This is why it is so worrying that more and more aresuffering  from womens hair loss which leaves them feeling depressed, unattractive and worthless.

Alopecia In Women

It is estimated that alopecia in women affects around 40% of the female population in the UK at some point in their lives. For many of these women, the hair loss will be minimal, but many of them will experience much more extreme levels of alopecia which could see them become completely bald. Despite alopecia in women being so prevalent, not a lot is known about the causes.

Common Types Of Alopecia In Women

There are several different types of alopecia which effect women across the UK. One of the most prevalent is Alopecia areata, which many people may recognise as the cause of alopecia in TV presenter Gail Porter, who has done a lot to raise awareness of the condition.

Alopecia areata is considered to be an autoimmune disorder. This means that the body turns on itself and starts to destroy hair follicles. This causes alopecia in women, which can be difficult to cure. Sufferers of Alopecia areata will often be afflicted with bald patches all over the scalp, rather than total baldness, but total baldness can occur, as can loss of haor fro areas other than the scalp.

Telogen Effluvium

Another common cause of alopecia in women is telogen effluvium which causes widely spread shedding of the hair on both the scalp and other areas of the body. This form of alopecia is most commonly brought on by periods of significant stress which can play havoc with hormonal systems in the body. Luckily, this form of alopecia usually corrects itself within six months.


The effects of alopecia in women can be devastating to the women who suffer from it. Often they suffer from depression and can withdraw from social life, so it is very important that they get as much support and understanding as possible when dealing with such a difficult thing as hair loss.
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley

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